Truths Tanner Teaches

Those of you who know me, and/or have read many of my blog entries, have likely ascertained that I have learned lots of life lessons from my beloved canine companion as well as my feline friends. In the past I have referred to these insights inspired by my adopted animals as pet parables.

Lately I have been pondering the numerous truths taught to me by trustworthy Tanner my service dog. Perhaps it may be appropriate to state that these gems were whispered to my heart by the Holy Spirit of a loving God and that Tanner was the instrument of the Wonderful Counselor.

I have decided to compose a series of blog entries entitled Truths Tanner Teaches. (Is it apparent that I appreciate alliteration?)

Frequently, in my relationship with Tanner I am prompted to ponder issues of profound significance. I am grateful for my dog’s loyalty and constant companionship. From Tanner I see the joy of living life with gusto. He performs his duties with diligence and determination and he also plays with exuberant enthusiasm. I am reminded that genuine love is not based on performance. Good behavior and obedience is pleasing to the master (and Master), but poor conduct does not diminish commitment or acceptance. Often, especially on dark early mornings when I’m required to meet Tanner’s need to go outside, I have considered that when we truly love someone we are regularly called upon to willingly lay aside our own comfort or convenience for their benefit.

I have observed as Tanner has persevered to accomplish a difficult task and shared in the joy of the success of his efforts.

In addition, I am continually delighted by the warm response of others (friends and strangers alike) to my irresistibly handsome dog with his gregarious temperament.

So, as I embark on the effort to convey more about Truths Tanner Teaches, you can expect that upcoming posts will include:

• Blessings of a Buddy

• Precious Perseverance

• An Attractive Attitude

• Sacrificial Serving

• Doors of Opportunity


Faith said…
Those titles are so cute! Can't wait to hear all that God is showing you.
Anonymous said…
I'm looking forward to the upcoming "Tanner Truths" postings. By the way, Tanner is quite handsome in his photos and appears to be very winsome. kk

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