Sacrificial Serving

2 Corinthians 9:7 (New American Standard Bible)
Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Often, especially on dark early mornings when I’m required to meet Tanner’s need to go outside, I have considered that when we truly love someone we are regularly called upon to willingly lay aside our own comfort or convenience for their benefit.

This morning before sunrise Tanner needed my attention. I’m not sure if he felt a greater urgency to empty his bladder or fill his stomach., Perhaps both of these basic needs caused him to awaken me by desperately nudging me with his nose and patting me with his paw. I wish I could tell you that my response was immediate and I cheerfully bounded out of bed to take care of Tanner. Regrettably, that was not my initial reaction. As Tanner persisted in his efforts to get me up, I groaned and told him that it was too early… as if he could ignore his discomfort based on the clock. He took a brief break from his efforts to rouse me and then resumed in earnest until I finally gave in. When I got up and was greeted gleefully by my grateful dog, I was sorry for my delay. I love Tanner. It is a privilege to have such a great dog. I should take care of him without complaint.

Yesterday, I personally experienced the blessing of someone serving with kindness and a joyful attitude. I had a mishap that created an embarrassing and unpleasant mess. A friend arrived for a different reason at just the right time. Though, not her original purpose for coming, she happily and willingly cleaned up the minor disaster. I am thankful for her assistance and especially appreciative that that she helped in such a good natured manner.

There is a verse in the Bible that states “God loves a cheerful giver”. I suppose that this divine instruction not only refers to voluntarily offering generous financial contributions, but giving graciously of our time and talents as well.

My friend’s service to me was a superb example of a cheerful giver. Though it may not been in her schedule to help, she did so without an ounce of irritation.

Tanner is certainly worth caring for absent of any annoyance.

Serving sometimes requires sacrifice. I must never forget the ultimate sacrifice of our Savior.

John 15:13 (New American Standard Bible)
"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.


Anonymous said…
A good reminder about what it means to be a true servant of Christ - a sacrifical giving that is joyful and without any strings attached. We give freely of ourselves, as He so freely gave of Himself. This is oneness with our Lord and Savior. I'm reminded of Jonathan's armor-bearer in 1 Samuel 14:15 (NIV) who said, "...I am with you heart and soul." - kk

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