Rain Rein Reign

One day when it was raining rather heavily, I started thinking about how, though we may regret those dreary days because they can be unpleasant or inconvenient, rain is necessary for things to grow. In addition, rain showers may be useful in washing away pollution or other crud.

Similarly, we may resisist or even resent the storms that come in life. However, if we remember that God cares for us and promises never to abandon us, we can actually say "Lord Bring the Rain" Here is a link to a beautiful song with this message: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m17af0XmPFo&feature=related

When we trust that life's trials will ultimately be for our good and our growth., we can actually commit ourselves to our Lord and tell Him "I'll Praise You in the Storm" Here is another link to a lovely song with this message:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUWbmtbzDno&NR=1  

My attitude at times needs to be adjusted concerning the circumstances of life. God often needs to rein me in, overruling my opinions. I must acknowledge that He is Lord of all and "Above All Power" You can listen to that Michael W. Smith song of worship ny clicking this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZbN9UdgA2c&feature=related

Once we realize that we need the rain and we offer praise, our hearts' cry can be "Lord Reign in Me" Here is another link to a version of that song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHhuKfPQo6Q&feature=related

In this entry, I am hoping the music can convey the meaningful message that because the RAIN is only for our good, we need God to REIN in our actions and actitudes, as we ask Him to REIGN in our lives.


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