The Problem of Procrastination

Proverbs 7:14 (New American Standard Bible)
"I was due to offer peace offerings;
Today I have paid my vows.

When we postpone doing what we should be doing, we can create difficulties for ourselves. Putting things off can indeed cause problems. If we do not pay bills on time usually additional fees are charged. When library books are overdue we must pay fines. Delay in maintaining equipment may result in breakdown and expensive repair costs. Neglecting to schedule that medical checkup might worsen health concerns. My present personal problem caused by procrastination is pounds. The tendency to repeatedly say that I will get back on a healthy eating program on Monday, or the beginning of the month, or after this holiday, or that special event has delayed my determination to eat properly, and prevented me from shedding excess weight. By not doing what I should now, I have made things more difficult and sadly may have even missed some opportunities.

There are the mundane things of life that when put off, cause hassles and unnecessary frustration. Other matters of importance if ignored can have greater consequences. Failure to say I am sorry may entrench bitterness and leave a valuable relationship fractured. If we allow laziness or fear to prevent us from being diligent to accomplish goals, we could miss out on dreams and the destiny God planned for us. Thankfully, our Heavenly Father is patient and merciful and often gives us additional chances to do what would please Him, or to become the person we were created to be. His longsuffering often draws us to repent and and have fellowship with Him and others.

Is there something you have been putting off? Now might be a good time to make that decision or do that task. Pray for God’s grace and also ask a trusted friend to help you on the journey.

Hebrews 3:13-15 (New American Standard Bible)
13But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
14For we have become partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our assurance firm until the end,
15while it is said,



Anonymous said…
That hits home, right to the core. Time passes by so quickly and I think so many of us, miss important opportunities due to laziness, procrastination, a lack of discernment and allowing distractions to get in the way. So thankful for God's patience and mercy. "On spot, MaryBeth." kk
MaryBeth said…
Thanks. It is the issue I am dealing with too.
Anonymous said…
Oh such truth!
I struggle with all of the above but your scriptures are excellant! I have at times hardened my heart because of my selfishness.
His Spirit nudges and often I choose to not respond in His directions. ( rebellion)
He amazes me with His patience, mercy and wonderful faithfulness as He washes over me with His sweetness calling me with His sweet quit voice to follow in the right direction.
What a faithful God we have.DN
Anonymous said…
Procrastination - hmmm - I am doing that right now so I am going to jump off the internet and go iron my clothes for work tom0rrow. Thanks MB! Mrs. R. I.
MaryBeth said…
I am so grateful for god's merciful patience. The benefit of not putting off the things He lovingly calls us to is that we will not miss out on the good plan He has.
Thanks for the input.

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