High Hopes

Sometimes we hope for things that can seem almost impossible. We often have goals that require a great deal of effort to achieve.

Getting out of bed independently and safely into the shower are now such goals for me. Since I injured my leg last Spring I have needed assistance with more of my activities of daily living. Though, I've been disabled my whole life. I acquired new limitations since my accident and have had to adjust and adapt.
Despite much effort and many sessions with a caring and competent physical therapist, the ability to transfer to and from my wheelchair without help continues to elude me. My beloved physician has recommended that I obtain a ceiling track lift system/ This assistive technology would minimize the risk of falling and give me more control over my daily routine. It could be a valuable aid to improve my function and make me more efficient. I tried out a device called a Surehands lift. It is an excellent product but it is very expensive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yeg2JS_Fzqg&feature=related

 I have struggled with the legitimacy of my need for such an elaborate piece of equipment. The cost also seems beyond the reach of what my limited budget can afford. I just could not figure out how it could be possible for me to obtain such a device and reach that goal of getting up on my own. Then some  amazing things started to happen.

A friend recently asked if I had a card she could send to a loved one. In the process of searching for an appropriate card, amidst special greeting cards I had saved received from previous birthdays or other occasions, an envelope was discovered containing a generous monetary gift. Perhaps I had put it away in that drawer for safe keeping, but I had absolutely no recollection of it. I was completely astounded to find that money. In the midst of my awe over the unexpected cash, I sensed that God spoke softly to my heart: "I have ways to provide for you that you can't even imagine." Wow.

Shortly after that incident, my phone rang early one morning. "Hello MaryBeth" said a woman with a familiar sounding voice that I just could not quite identify immediately. "This is Marilyn Handler." Another wow moment. Marilyn is a dear friend I met in college. I had the honor of being a bridesmaid in her wedding. We enjoyed much precious time together. She and her husband Tom moved to New Jersey and over the years we had lost contact. We certainly had a lot of catching up to do regarding what has been happening in our lives. I can hardly believe that her twin sons are already in college! Though much time had elapsed and many life circumstances had transpired, it did not seem difficult at all to "reconnect". During that conversation I told her about many things including my broken leg and the frustration over not being able to get up and moving when I want to. I mentioned I had tried the Surehands lift and  that my mind was somewhat preoccupied with trying to figure out options and mulling over finances. We ended the conversation happy that we had a good talk. I expected we would be in touch again some time, but was pleasantly surprised when I heard Marilyn's voice when I answered the phone the very next day. "I've been thinking," she said. "It's terrible that you can't get out of bed when you want to. I don't want to downplay how much money the cost of that lift is to you but I don't find that sum to be intimidating or daunting. I believe we can raise that amount of money." With a great deal of zeal and enthusiasm Marilyn went on to describe for me her plan to embark on an industrious fundraising campaign. I expressed my gratitude for her kind intention but also conveyed my discomfort and apprehension over asking others to contribute toward the equipment I needed. Despite my protests she assured me that this is indeed the right thing to do. Once again - Wow!
I share the letter my kindhearted friend composed so that you will be aware of her efforts to meet my need:

October 31, 2011

 Dear Family, Friends, and Neighbors,

 Over the years, many of you have received letters from me requesting donations for various local causes.  Well, I’m writing again, but this time it’s personal. You see, I have a dear friend in Chicago, someone I met in college, a bridesmaid of mine, who has a particular need I want to help fill.  Mary Beth is someone I have always respected and admired.  She earned a Master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from the Illinois Institute of Technology and worked as an advocate and service provider for the disabled and their families.  Mary Beth is actively involved in her church and volunteers her time teaching remedial academic skills to children in her community..

Mary Beth was born with cerebral palsy and over the years has become wheelchair dependent. She is also a cancer survivor, whose battle is ongoing. Presently, Mary Beth was injured in an accident and is nursing a broken leg. This injury, along with her stay in rehab and increased  assisted home care, has made Mary Beth realize the importance of maintaining her independence.

In a recent conversation, Mary Beth was sharing with me her desire to install a Surehands  Many of you may not realize the time a disabled person consumes waiting for assistance to begin their day. One’s schedule is not based on their desires, but on the available support of others.  Mary Beth can no longer get in or out of bed independently.  She recently spent the night in her wheelchair because her morning assistant would be unavailable and she did not want to spend the day in bed.  This lift system will enrich Mary Beth’s life by restoring lost control over her daily routine. Also, and this is something we can all relate to, the use of this lift system will help compensate for the aging process, as Mary Beth would not have to rely on the diminishing strength of her arms and legs as she transfers in and out of her wheelchair for various daily living activities.  There are times when Mary Beth feels like she “is one grab away from a fall” and is, therefore, planning for a time when she will no longer have the option of attempting an assisted transfer.  Living independently in her home, for as long as she can, is her plan.

As women, we know you realize that personal independence is a need and not a luxury.  The cost of this necessary equipment hovers in the $17,000 price range, with her neighbors and friends doing the initial demolition and reconstruction.  However, Mary Beth cannot afford this expense. Previous medical treatments have depleted her savings, Mary Beth is currently not working, and family support is limited. She has approached disability services and agencies, but they are not able to meet this need. While her small, caring ministry will help out with some demolition and reconstruction, they do not have the financial resources to offset the lift system.  Unfortunately, she cannot purchase this equipment on a payment plan.

This is where we come in. This letter is my Woman To Woman Campaign, in hopes of achieving this gift for my friend. I believe that, as women, we are more powerful collectively than we are individually. Thus, I am reaching out to every kind, caring compassionate, strong, smart women I know to open their purses, wallets, checkbooks, and rainy day accounts and am asking that you do the same. While I am certainly aware of how much money we have to raise, I do not find the amount intimidating or daunting.  I truly believe that together, but only together, we can achieve this goal of $17,000. The campaign is twofold: Please reach out, email, text, call, or write and relay this request to your wonderful girlfriends, sisters, aunts, moms, and daughters.  Also, share this need with your spouses, co-workers, neighbors, relatives, book clubs members, prayer groups, bowling leagues,… Ask your church ministry, PTA committee, and businesses you support for their assistance. Please know that all contributions will be considered monetary gifts and are not tax deductible. Mary Beth has established an account at her neighborhood bank for this purpose.  Please utilize the enclosed self addressed and stamped envelope for your contribution.

I realize that some of you may be unable to contribute to this worthy cause.  However, I am hoping that all of you share this endeavor with the wonderful women in your life and I ask for your prayers in support of our efforts. While this letter, because it is so personal and requests money is out of my comfort zone, not acting on this need makes no sense. Through our generosity we have the chance to give Mary Beth the gift of time, restoring control over her everyday routine and life choices, thereby extending the quality of her day and enriching her life. Once in a while, we have the opportunity to do something that is right to its very core; this is one of those times.


Marilyn Handler

Please make your check payable to: Mary Beth Gahan,        

 You can mail your contribution to: Mary Beth Gahan
                                                         Access Project
                                                         P.O. Box 346
                                                        Lyons, IL 60534

Marilyn has high hopes for raising money needed to purchase the lift system. It has definitely been uplifting for me to experience her thoughtfulness and benevolent determination. In addition to  this dear friend's endeavors, I have begun the application process for a grant through Joni and Friends.
I am beginning to have a glimmer of hope that this could come to fruition.

As I shared with someone yesterday about this project, she remarked that I have very good friends. Yes indeed! MY FRIENDS ARE THE BEST! I am thankful for each and every one.

During this season as I have considered the prospect of installing a lift system and other needed items , I have pondered many of my life philosophies. I have struggled whether I would be a quitter or "giving up" if I allowed myself to utilize the Surehands lift. Would I be taking the easy way out? I believe now I am coming to the place where I can view these changes in a similar manner as the perspective I have about my power wheelchair - a tool that enables me to function saving time and energy so I can do the things in life that matter. I must admit I still wrestle with whether I "deserve" to have the blessing of the contributions that could provide for the needed items. That is the crux of Christianity isn't it? Acknowledging that though we are unworthy, we can receive God's favor because of what our Savior did on our behalf.

I have also been reminded of precious promises in God's Word:

Philippians 4:19 (NASB)

 And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 3:20 (NASB)

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us,

Ironically as my faith is challenged and my hope is "elevated" the inspiring song "You Raise Me Up" has been echoing in my heart. The line You raise me up to more than I can be is especially touching.
Here is a link so you can enjoy it too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rkkw8RhH9ck


Anonymous said…
Hi MaryBeth!!!
Wow! How exciting and possible this is! Though Aaron and I aren't in a position to financially contribute at this time we CAN be prayer warriors. You are so very deserving of this blessing my friend! You have been fighting the good fight for a long time and God has seen you heart. I look forward to your updates!!
God bless you my friend,
MaryBeth G said…
Thanks Claudua for the kind words - And the prayer support is invaluable.
Carol said…
Hallelujah! The Lord has heard your cry and your supplication, like it says in Psalm 116 and other places. Carol
Anonymous said…
What a great post and a kind thing of your friend Marilyn to do. May the Lord bless you with greater provision that you ever anticipated. Rhonda
MaryBeth G said…
Thanks for the encouragement... And feel free to spread the word about my friend's efforts. :)

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