Only Human

I have another animal story to share. I thought perhaps these insights I've learned from the critters in my life could be called "pet parables".
Years ago I had a nice cat with the formal name Barnabas Noble. (His name was inspired by Barnabas in the Bible who was an encourager, "the son of consolation") I called him Barney. As Barney was aging he had some medical issues that taught me much. Once prior to an appointment with the veternarian he was restricted from eating. I learned a valuable life lesson while fretting that my old sick cat just couldn't understand why I was temporarily withholding food at the vet's instruction. As he uttered pleading meows, my heart ached because he was not able to comprehend that my motive was only for the good of my beloved feline friend. I felt frustration over not being able to explain this because he was just a cat. Then in the midst of my distress, I heard God clearly speak to my heart: "And you're just a human". I realized at that moment, that He intends only for my good. And I so often foolishly fret about not having what I might "hunger" for. In my human limitations, I too often lack the capacity to grasp God's ultimate loving purpose.


Another good lesson with a great illustration.

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