Knowing Our Foundations

It is worthwhile to know our history and the foundational principles of our nation. I have a friend who is pursuing a degree in Education. A requirement of her coursework is that she demonstrates knowledge of government. My friend must take a proficiency exam on the topic of civics. I’d like to learn more in this area too, so I decided to study with my friend.
I did some research at the library and found some interesting material. One of the books I located, The Constitution of the United States An Introduction by Floyd G. Cullop, Mentor Penguin Putnum publisher New York, NY 1999, was particularly informative. The author had been a teacher of junior and senior high school students for many years. In the introduction of his book, Mr. Cullop shares that invariably when he introduced the topic of the Constitution in his classes, pupils asked why they were required to study it. I think his explanation for understanding our nation’s founding document is noteworthy:

“To be ignorant of it is to be ignorant of all the things your country is, and the truths its people have believed to be above all others in the relationship between human beings and government. In order to truly enjoy, appreciate, and protect what you have as citizens of the United States, you must be aware of what is found in your Constitution…”

It would be terrific to hold and apply this attitude to God’s Word! For those who esteem the principles of faith, the above statement is relevant and could be amended as follows:

“To be ignorant of God’s Word is to be ignorant of all the things your heavenly kingdom is, and the truths its people have believed to be above all others in the relationship between human beings and their God. In order to truly enjoy, appreciate, and protect what you have as members of God’s family, you must be aware of what is found in your Bible…” (italicized words are my revisions to Cullop’s quote.

Psalm 119 deals extensively with the value of God’s Word.

It will be beneficial for me to enhance my knowledge of the Constitution of the United States, but it is of eternal value for me to know and cherish God’s Word.


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