
It requires diligence to maintain things properly.

I was reminded of this recently when I saw my friend applying a fresh coat of paint to a frequently used railing. Time and handling had worn away the color covering the metal. If this project had been neglected, the appearance would have become untidy. In addition to unsightliness, as paint peeled away, if the problem was ignored, rust might form and pose a potential hazard. Thankfully, my friend did not neglect this task. She diligently and skillfully applied the needed paint, giving the railing a fresh look and ensuring it was safe to use. As, I admired the improvement, I commented that I hoped her work would not be quickly damaged by weather or human carelessness. My friend replied good naturedly that she won’t mind touching it up again as needed because it’s just necessary to keep up on things.

Life does require that we’re not negligent. We must put forth effort to pursue what is valuable. God gives grace for our relationship with Him. Those who trust Him can be secure in what He has done for us. We do not earn God’s love, but we are given opportunities to position ourselves to enjoy intimacy with Him.

There are many precious things we are to be careful not to neglect. The scriptures warn us not to neglect our great salvation and the spiritual gift within. We are also instructed to not neglect hospitality or doing good. In addition, we must give diligence to God’s truth, as well as be diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

When it is necessary to labor in chores to replenish chipped paint or repair household items, these maintenance tasks can serve to remind us of the importance of dedication to caring for matters of eternal significance. If we neglect God’s Word, our faith will wither, if we ignore prayer, our souls can crumble, if we resist unity our relationships will be damaged.

My friend’s willingness to maintain property taught a valuable lesson. Diligence is necessary and worthwhile.


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