Don't Let Your Head Get in the Way

I've written about my wonderful service dog Tanner. I should also tell you that I have a beloved elderly cat named Bridget. I adopted her many years ago when she was a spunky adorable little kitten. Bridget entered my life in a season when I was making a transition to a new stage in my life's journey.I sensed that it was as though God wanted me to cross a bridge in order to enter into new things He had in store for me. I named my feline friend Bridget to commemorate that period of changes in my life (new home, new church, and deepening of my faith and relationships).

My cat has been with me during many significant times. Just recently she was used to remind me of an important lesson. It was an early morning and I was engaged in my typical routine of pet care. Bridget apparently was very hungry. As I was attempting to put her food into the bowl she burst in and stuck her head into the dish trying to gobble up her meal. I had more food to give to her, but because her head was in the way, it was difficult for me to provide all that was available.

I think our heads can get in the way sometimes too, hindering us from receiving all the blessing God wants to bestow. We are instucted in the Bible not to have anxiety, but to trust that our Heavenly Father knows our needs and is willing and able to supply them. (Read Matthew 6:25-34)

And God has some amazing economics! I have experienced divine provision first-hand. Since my early retirement, I have had limited income from Social Security Disabilityand wages from very part-time home based employment. My budget is tight. Since I don't really have resources for big expenses, it was quite distressing to discover one day that rain had come inside because of a gaping hole on top of my house. I needed a new roof. I must admit I fretted about this dilemma. I mulled the problem over and over in my mind, trying to figure out how I could afford the cost of a new roof. No matter how hard I tried, it seemed impossible to grasp how I could have the needed finances. Finally, one night in desperation, I cried out to God and prayed: " I can't think about this any more. God will You please help me!" Soon after that, I received a call from a man from my church who asked me about my preference for roofing material. When I inquired about cost, the friend replied "That is not your concern". Shortly after that conversation, I woke up to the sound of pounding above me as the laborers were installing the needed covering for my home. I have a brand new roof that I could not pay for. God miraculously provided for me.

So may we not allow our heads to get in the way with anxiety, doubt, or fear that we won't have enough to eat or our other needs will not be met. May we learn to trust our kind heavenly Father to care for us.


MaryBeth, this is a great story that shows God's faithfulness to us as we trust in Him. I am in a time of my life where I really need to not have my head get in the way but to trust Him because He cares.

Thanks for sharing this.


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