Persistence - A Pet Parable

Tanner (my service dog) once again made me think of something important. He typically awakens me in the early morning because he needs to go outside. He is also eager for me to get out of bed because he is hungry. I wish I could say that I always happily and swiftly bound out of bed to meet the needs of my canine companion. Those who know me well, know that I tend to be a bit of a night owl and quite a sound sleeper. Therefore, waking up very early is not always easy for me. Some mornings are more difficult than others. Particularly, on these dreary, cold and rainy days, it has been a challenge to quickly rise early. I have resisted Tanners attempts to get me out of bed. I have responded to his nudging and tapping with his paw with a groan, commanding him to go back and lie down. Tanner obeys, but then returns to my bedside again and again until I finally rise to address his needs.
This morning poor Tanner needed to make multiple attempts before I got up to alleviate his discomfort (full bladder and empty stomach). It was Tanner’s perseverance not my willingness that caused me to grant his request. As I lifted my sleepy head off the pillow, and dragged my weary body into my wheelchair, I thought of a story that Jesus told to His disciples as a lesson about prayer.

Jesus told of a man who went to a friend at midnight asking for bread. The friend did eventually grant the request because of the “importunity” (insistent entreaty) of the one in need. The lesson in the account is not that we must be a pest to get God’s attention, but that our Heavenly Father is good and will meet our needs. With this assurance of the heart of God, we can have the confidence to keep on asking, keep on seeking, and keep on knocking. Read Luke 11:1-13.

I am grateful that Tanner is patient with me in my sleepiness and that his persistence in rousing me has reminded me to persevere in prayer.


I loved it!! Very good illustration. We really do need to be persistent in prayer don't we? He is always faithful!!
Anonymous said…
I loved this also, I can just picture Tanner being persistent. We also have a dog, named glory and she also whines and paws at the door until we come if we are asleep. I am the one who hears her even at 3am, I hear her, not sure how long she tried tho at getting our attention.

I know one thing that God knows my requests and He hears them the first time and each time I pray or praise. I am thankful that I don't have to paw at HIS door, I know HIS door is always open and open to hear my cries as well as praises. I am so thankful for HIS loving patience.

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