What Do You Hope For?

Below is a quote for today from my Hope calendar:

The very least you can do in life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope.
- Barbara Kingsolver

I would enjoy hearing  from others. What do you hope for? How are you "living inside that hope"? Another way to phrase it might be what are you pursuing? What action steps are you taking?

Please leave comments. I would appreciate engaging in a dialogue.

I heard someone say once that one definition of hope is uncertain desire (as in I hope the traffic is good so I can make it to work on time...), but a more secure premise of hope is confident expection based on the character of the One who is trustworthy.

Therefore, a better question is; Who are you hoping in?

Psalm 65:5

Contemporary English Version (CEV)
5 Our God, you save us,
and your fearsome deeds
answer our prayers for justice!
You give hope to people
everywhere on earth,
even those across the sea.


Thanks for the great question MB, that we think about what one hopes for. A couple lines from a couple of songs came to me right away after I read your post. One is: My life is in You Lord, My strength is in you Lord and My HOPE is in you Lord in You, in You. The other Is Strength for today and BRIGHT HOPE for tomorrow. It is interesting that the word STRENGTH appears in both songs. (I really do need strength, both physical and spiritual):)
Well, I would say because of these thoughts, that, I hope for strength to be able to do all that God has for me now and in the future, and also to be all He wants me to be ie, reach the top shelf of my destiny.

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