Amazing Love

When we love someone, we can be compelled at times to do sacrificial seeming unreasonable things.

In recent days my dog Tanner has awakened me before dawn. I don't know whether his bladder was full or he was hungry. Whatever the reason, his need seemed to be urgent. I wish I could report that I instantly and happily responded and got up to help my beloved dog who does so much to assist me. I confess I was rather slow and a bit less than cheerful. However, as he continued to pleadingly nudge me the thought clearly came to mind that when you love someone it means there must be a willingness to give of ourselves even if it is not easy or convenient. So as I struggled to get myself out of bed, I told Tanner, okay buddy because I love you, I am getting up.

I have been the beneficiary of kindness that has imposed hardship on others more times than I can recount. Just to name several:

  • I have friends who have done repairs and major rennovations in my home without any compensation
  • Friends allowed me to stay in their home during service dog training at no cost
  • When I've fallen I've called upon friends at various times of the day or night to pick me up
  • Countless rides to church and other places I needed to go have been provided
  • Fundraising activities were undertaken so I could get my lift
  • An OT who has become a dear friend went fat beyond the call of duty to provide needed personal care assistance completely on her own time. This same friend did me the honor of choosing to be with me on the day of suegery even though it was a difficult day for her.Her family also took care of Tanner while I was recuperating.
  • On more than one occasion friends have willing taken on the unpleasant task of helping me when I've been ill,
  • And speaking of meeting Tanner's needs, I have a friend who frequently comes in the early morning to feed him and let him outside so I can spend a little extra time in bed
This is certainly not an exhaustive list. If I attempted to enumerate all of the ways others have shown love toward me, it would take too long and just might fill the entire blogosphere! Suffice it to say that I am grateful for innumerable loving acts of kindness.

We may be called upon in our love for God to do some things that could seem outrageous. People have left high-powered and well paying positions to serve on the mission field. Pastors have endured pies in the face so their youth group could have fun and earn money. Shy reserved individuals have gone out of their comfort zone to proclaim the Gospel. Young single women have gone to the far regions of Africa and adopted multiple children. Love can sometimes make you do "something crazy' as Stephen Curtis Chapman declares in a song.

Something Crazy by Stephen Curtis Chapman

We can love and act in extravagant ways because of the ultimate act of love. "God demonstrated His love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8)

Francis Chan was so overcome by the goodness of God he wrote a book entitled Crazy Love. You might like to visit his inspiring website:

God's love is amazing!

Please feel free to post comments. How have you chosen to show love? What acts of love have been a blessing in your life?


Pat said…
Doesn't it just fill you up to recall the kindnesses God has deposited in your life? Thanks, MaryBeth, for the reminder to take time to think on these good things.
I enjoyed the blog.

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