Well Done!

Tanner my service dog helps me with many tasks throughout the day - Sometimes in amazing ways.

Yesterday he did something remarkable. And pretty cute too!

I was attempting to sort the medicine and vitamins which I take regularly. As I tried to pick up the bucket in which they are stored, it slipped from my hand. This container filled with pills was dangling out of my reach precariously between the foot rest of my wheelchair and the floor. One wrong move and things could be a real mess. It was didtressing to envision the prospect of prescription bottles and vitamins strewn all over the kitchen.

Much to my surprise and delight, Tanner came to my rescue. He gingerly and adeptly grabbed the pail by its handle, lifting it and holding it in his mouth, contents intact, until I had it securely in my grasp.
As I was thinking about how proud I am of my beloved canine companion for his efforts, I was encouraged to remember that God does not forget our labor of love.
I say to Tanner what I long to hear from my Heavenly Father - "Well done good and faithful servant!"






pat said…
Really cute picture and the look on his face says how proud he is of doing a very good job. I liked your blog.
You GO Tanner!!!!!!!!!!!!
MaryBeth said…
I am proud of him. I think it is so sweet how he isso eager to please (and maybe get a treat)!

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