An opportunity has arisen for Tanner and me to speak to children in public school classes about the benefits of service dogs to enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities. (For those of you who may not know, Tanner is the handsome canine in the blog photo.) As I am planning the presentation, I expect I will probably talk about Tanner’s training, show some photos and perhaps a video of him doing his “work”, and of course discuss appropriate etiquette for interacting with service dogs and their partners. (I must confess that “Do Not Pet” rule is a tough one for me and my very sociable canine companion). I want to be well prepared with useful information presented in a manner that will engage the audience and be memorable. In addition to providing accurate information, I want to convey how valuable service dogs are to the humans with whom they are matched. It is my desire that Tanner and I will be good ambassadors for Dogs for Disabilities. ...