
This is the quote from my Hope calendar for today:

God makes a promise - faith believes it, hope anticipates it, patience quietly awaits it.

When someone we love has proven themself to be trustworthy, we can be secure and confident that they will do what they have said. We can expect and calmly trust it will come to pass.

I am very grateful for dear friends who have stood with me. I am also deeply thankful for my faithful God Who has kept every one of His promises.

Here is a link to a video of a song I find quite moving: "Faithful God":

Here is an excerpt from the biography of the composer of that song Robert Critchley:

"Shortly after making a decision for Christ, Robert moved to Niagara Falls and became a member of Niagara Community Church. It was there that He met his lovely wife Dawn . He then turned his talent for music and song writing to writing and playing worship songs. Emerging as one of the worship leaders in NCC’s, “Niagara Worship Band” Robert began to explore recording arrangement and production, helping to produce two worship tapes and his first solo project. Robert and Dawn served as members of NCC for sixteen years. It was there that they had four children, Bethany, Noah, Gideon and Elijah.

Gideon John Critchley died just days after his birth because of multiple health complications. Robert and Dawn testify that it was the eternal love and grace of God that gave them both hope and comfort through this difficult time of their lives. They know that Gideon was not a mistake and that he was “fearfully and wonderfully made”. The presence of the Lord was especially evident to both of them in that difficult time. Through the comfort that they received from God (that Gideon was whole and in the arms of Jesus and that one day they would be with their son again) they have had the privilege and consolation of comforting others in life’s sufferings. The most well-known song to date that they have co-written together, ”What A Faithful God” was written during that time."

Even in the midst of heartache, it is possible to believe, hope and trust.


Thank you! What a blessing for my heart!!!
(((((( MaryBeth )))))))
MaryBeth said…
I am so glad you were blessed.

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