My Life is in Your Hands

It is essential that we remember that God has our lives in His hands. He has all things under control. He knows about our circumstances... And He cares. Sometimes when we face difficulty, we may be prone to forget these wonderful truths,

I was tested in my trust the other day. I lost my wallet. My theory is that it must have fallen out of my wheelchair and I didn;t notice as I was going down the somewhat bumpy sidewalk on my way home. Many have helped me search, but my missing wallet could not be found. There have been two significant thunderstorms with severe wind gusts since then. My wallet could be in another state by now, and it's contents might be scatterred accross the Midwest.
 It is quite distressing because it contained valuable items. There was a bit of cash inside. In addition my wallet held ALL of my forms of identification as well as documentation for medical benefits, a few business cards and so on..I have many contacts to make and many forms to complete in the hopes of replacing the lost items and securing my identity. I have already done internet research and made many telephone inquiries. One of the calls.I made was to the local police department. The kind officer took down the details and filed a report. I needed to take down a reference number so I will be able to obtain that report from the records clerk. As I reached for a piece of paper to jot down the number, something amazing caught my attention. The pad of paper I grabbed had been used previously when I was searching for the title of a worship song. I had a possible title for the song I had wanted to find. My Life is in Your Hands were the words I had scribbled down prior to the lost wallet incident. It was astonishing that I found them at that moment in the midst of my dilemma! I was in awe of the message and reality of which I needed to be reminded.

Maintaining the awareness that indeed My Life is in Your Hands can alleviate a great deal of anxiety. The fact that I found that eact paper with those exact words at the exact time when I needed reassurance that everything would work out okay despite the hassle, seemed to me to be a token of God's kindness to demonstrate his concern and ability to take care of me.

I am grateful that my perspective has changed. I no longer need to view my mishap as a cause for worry. I can have a sense of wonder and peace. God is very good and worthy to be trusted.

Here is a link to a video of that song:
May God's peace and comfort be yours.


jean harris said…
MB I just lost my long letter to you so here I am again it is Jean Kause Harris.. briefly this time .. I have intussusception I go to a surgeon tomorrow at noon..pray for wisdom Pray for Steve in Romania for three weeks he is now with the dental missions team along with some of the Reisingers then he goes back to the orphanages and gypsy villages pray for open doors and that Steve will follow as the Lord gives those open doors.. pray for salvation and growth... love ya jean
Anonymous said…
mb I have either lost both letters to you or you have gotten my comments.. let me know if you got any I have intussusception pray for my surgeon appt tomorrow and pray for Steve in Romania for three weeks... jean kause harris

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