One Step at a Time

Psalm 119:130 (New American Standard Bible)
130The unfolding of Your words gives light;
It gives understanding to the simple.

Human beings often have the inclination to make things more complicated than they need to be.

We all have probably heard the stories about the guys who get lost and take longer to get to their destinations because they refuse to ask for directions. There are also numerous examples of hours of frustration spent trying to assemble items and then have them malfunction due to not following the instructions. If someone familiar with the area had been consulted, the trip could have gone more smoothly. Reading the step by step manual helps to put things together properly more easily.

I have the tendency to fret at times and make things more complex than necessary. One example of my knack for compounding the difficulty of a situation is the struggle I’ve been having in writing for children. I have come to the realization that I have a great deal to learn about the art and craft of preparing material that is suitable for young readers. When I consider my lack of skill as an author, and all that is involved in publishing books for kids, it is sometimes overwhelming. I often feel bewildered and uncertain about what to do.

Recently I confided in a trusted friend, expressing my feelings of perplexity. She listened patiently. We then agreed that we should seek guidance from the all-wise God. As we prayed together concerning my desire for direction, the phrase “One step at a time…”came to mind. The entire plan for my whole life was not unveiled before me at that moment. I did not discern then many specific details, but I believe that simply proceeding one step at a time is a valuable key to progress.

I remembered a teaching I heard regarding the importance of God’s word. The Psalmist exclaimed
Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path. Psalm 119:105 (New American Standard Bible)

In those days before street lamps, flashlights or lanterns, candles would be attached to sandals in order to illuminate a dark path. These little flames would provide just enough light to safely take one step ahead.

I can find peace knowing that I do not need to figure out the complete process of becoming an author instantly. I must walk with God diligently and He will enlighten my path. Whatever our life’s calling may be, our good Heavenly Father will unfold it as we take one step at a time.


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