The Truth Will Set You Free

Sometines adverse circumstances can bring out the darkness in our hearts. Regrettably that was the case for me this week.

Following a late night and distressing morning of plumbing problems, I headed off to a medical appointment at the women's cancer department at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. My transportaton was late so I arrived after my scheduled time. The staff was gracious and fit me in. Because my visit with the doctor was postponed, I missed my return ride. When I called the transit company, the dispatcher informed me that I would need to wait two hours before a vehicle could be availanle to take me home. It would have been nice if I could report that I patiently received that news, considerate of all the other passengers who were also eager to get to their destinations. Not true. Regrettably, I complained about the situation, and rather insistently tried to persuade the transportation representatve that there should be a way to take me home sooner. I was told that the 2 hour delay to pick me up was the only option. It was a circumstance beyond my control and I was angry.
 In my frustration, struggling to contain my emotions, I called a friend. She patiently listened as I expressed my woe. Then she in a loving manner gently but firmly pointed out that I was being selfish and that I was in self-pity. It was difficult to receive. It wasn't until later that I was able to reflect and realize that there was truth in what my faithful friemd had identified in my attitude and behavior. I continued to ponder and knew that it was important to repent and acknowledge the truth because the "Truth will set you free". I had seen the ugly reality about my heart but I certainly did not feel liberated. I prayed and I asked God about the turmoil in my soul. I said Heavenly Father I see the truth about that darkness in my heart. If the truth is supposed to make us free, why do I not feel that freedom?" Very clearly I sensed the response. I believe God spoke to me: "It's because that is only part of the truth"

I then remembered the excellent teaching presented by our beloved late pastor and the associate pastor concerning the armor of God mentioned in Ephesians 6. In this Bible study entitled Winning the War of Love each piece of armor was described with it's particular function and significance. In the section dealing with the belt of truth, it is explained that the belt of truth has the purpose of protecting our emotions. It is vital for our stability and an appropriate self-image, that two truths be held in balance.  They are:

   (Never forget where we came from)

     (Remember where we're going)

It is essential to know both of these truths in order to protect ourselves from condemnation and by grace move toward freedom.

I was also reminded of the book by Joyce Meyer Battlefield of the Mind.  She reminds her readers that God does not condemn us.  We are also urged  not to be discouraged and not to allow negative thoughts of hopelessness.

I am grateful for the grace and mercy of God. It is imperative to follow the exhortation to put on the whole armor of God so we will be ready for even unexpected battles.

The truth (the whole truth) will indeed set us free.


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