Language of Love

Tanner is a wonderful service dog. He does helpful tasks for me which makes my life easier. He has such a sweet sociable temperament. Tanner brings delight to my heart. Sometimes I find myself wishing there was some way that I could clearly communicate to my beloved canine how much I love him. I am very pleased when he fetches things I drop, turns on a light or closes the door. It’s not just the duties he performs that evoke affection. It’s quite fun to observe how he very enthusiastically plays. Sometimes I smile simply watching him sleep. I am very grateful Tanner is in my life. Frequently, I have a sense of awe that I am privileged to have such a terrific dog. I wish I could let him know how glad I am that he is mine.

We can have the longing to convey our love to the valued people in our life too. Sometimes humans struggle to relate to one another in a manner that demonstrates love and acceptance. Difficulty in letting people know they are cared for seems to be a common problem. Multitudes of books have been written about relationships. For example, Gary Chapman has written a series on the Five Love Languages which help to identify how to give and receive love. The link below will lead you to a site where you can find these books and other relevant publications if interested.
(It may be necessary to copy and paste link into the web address bar.)

I am very grateful that God clearly reveals His love for us.

Romans 5:8 (New American Standard Bible)
8But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

So at times when my heart longs for Tanner to understand that I love him, I can be reminded that God desires that we believe His love.


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