Opportunity to Give, My Opportunity for Joy

it’s often far too easy for me to presume that my difficulties with mobility limit me in opportunities to help or do good to others. Today I had another realization that I just need to be creative and utilize technology resources and yes, the help of other humans to carry out a mission to be a blessing.

I have a friend who is experiencing a serious medical condition that is hindering her ability to manage her household and carry out family responsibilities. When I focus on the things I’m not able to do or tasks. I can’t perform, it’s somewhat disheartening because I can’t be as helpful as I wish I could be. Many friends are caring for kids, doing laundry, housekeeping and a myriad of other daily activities to lighten the load. It dawned on me today that I could shop for her family in the same way I do my own shopping - online ordering and delivery. So I contacted her husband. Got the list, ordered the items and in a short period of time I was on my way with my very kind and helpful teenage neighbor. He had the heavy load and I had a bouquet of flowers to deliver. Off we went on this beautiful sunny day with bright blue skies. As I was zipping down the sidewalk, I felt such joy I proclaimed to my young friend: “I haven’t had this much fun in a long time! “ We arrived at the back door, my youthful helper carried in the groceries, and I was able to hand over the flowers to my friends, mom. Then a brief conversation with my friend.

Mission accomplished.

This experience made me so happy and gave me a desire to always be thinking of what could be possible to do rather than being distressed because I assume I can’t do enough.

The opportunity I had today to give, was truly for me an opportunity for joy.

The link to the song below seems fitting. When we don’t just focus on how we survive, we have inner peace and joy that helps us to “”Thrive”

“So then, while we [as individual believers] have the opportunity, let us do good to all people [not only being helpful, but also doing that which promotes their spiritual well-being], and especially [be a blessing] to those of the household of faith (born-again believers).”

‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6‬:‭10‬ ‭AMP‬‬


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