Hope in God Receive Mercy

I read a verse in the Bible this morning that caught my attention.

 Psalm 33:22
Let Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, be upon us, in proportion to our waiting and hoping for You.

The psalmist was extolling the mercy of God and how human effort is futile without the gracious intervention of our mighty God. It was encouraging and comforting to read how the Lord's eye is upon those who hope in  His mercy. And then the psalm closes with a prayer I'm not sure I would feel as confident to request.... that God would bestow mercy in proportion to my waiting and hoping!

An online dictionary gives one definition of proportion as: "...A relationship between things or parts of things with respect to comparative magnitude, quantity, or degree.

This makes me realize that I need a much greater appreciation for not only my need for mercy, but also for God's willingness to grant it.

I wonder if the writer of this psalm was having a particularly good day in terms of his faith hope and trust in order to make such a bold petition. My capacity for hope seems small in comparison to the  magnitude of God's mercy.
I am grateful that there are numerous scriptures that assure us that God delights in showing mercy. It is His preferred course of action.

Here is a link to a music video "You Are I Am" - a song that proclaims God's greatness in comparison to our weakness: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JI4CPfuLW0

May we increase in our proportion to receive mercy.


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