Blessing Friday not Black Friday

I appreciated a recent Facebook post by a dear friend aboui black Friday: 'Black Friday' is certainly the right name for it. What if we renamed the day something less threatening and spent it making gifts for people on our lists or thinking about what our friends and family REALLY need?

My special friend's comment prompted me to ponder.

 It's funny but for the longest tome I was puzzled as to why the day after Thanksgiving starting the Christmas season would ever be referred to by such a gloomy name. I guess the reason retailers call it that is their hope that they would make profits and their budget would be be in the back rather than the red. But it is rather "dark" isn't it thst that is the focus. Anyway, I like the idea of making heartfelt gifts rather than the commercialization. We could start a movement. Rather than Black Friday, Blessing Friday. Instead of the stress of fighting crowds and battling for bargains, seek to identify or create meaningful gifts.
Maybe a photo of yout family for someone who loves you very much!

Maybe original artwork or homemade goodies. Perhaps a contribution to a cause or charity meaningful to you and the recipient. It could even be acts of kindness or service.

 Do you know about Christmas Jars?
A Christmas Jar is a pickle jar, peanut butter jar, Mason jar or whatever else you have around to collect your spare change each day.
All coins are dedicated to the jar, and during the week before Christmas you carefully select someone to give it to anonymously. Was a neighbor laid off? Is a coworker struggling with health problems? Has a friend lost a loved one?
Simply put your jar on their porch, in their car, on their desk--wherever--and you could change their life for good!
You'll be surprised how much change you can generate and how much you can affect someone's life. "
I am not suggesting that there is anything intrinsically evil about purhasing a present. My point is mainly that I really like that perspective of not emphasizing the materialistic.. Thanks to my dear friend for reminding me that the most important gifts need not be expensive but are indeed priceless.

Do you have thoughts or ideas about transforming "Black Friday"into BLESSING Friday? Please comment and share!

After all, "Love Came Down at Christmas" Let's communicate that true meaning and message.


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