Doses of Hope

I have a calendar entitled 365 Days of Hope.(It's one of those perpetual flip calendars with a daily quote on the theme of Hope.) It ocurred to me at the beginning of this new year that since my blog is named Hope Harbor, it would be appropriate to post a daily dose of hope taken from that calendar. (Some friends may remember that previously I had sent regular emails with doses of hope.) Since I did not get started on day one or even the second day, today I will include 3 entries:

January 1
God of the years that lie behind us,
Lord of the years that stretch before,
Weaver of all the ties that bind us,
Keeper and King of the open door...
Hold us close in Your tender keeping,
O Maker of all New Years!

January 2
We do not how this is true - where would faith be if we did? - but we do know that all things that happen are full of shining seed. Light is sown for us - not darkness.

January 3
Life is like an exciting book, and every year starts a new chapter.

I hope to consistently offer inspirational quotes about hope.

Let's begin this year on a firm foundation, and securely continue our journey together .


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