Incovenient Impatience

Sometimes when we are anxious about what we need, we can make it more difficult to achieve our desired result.

I think about this many mornings.  My service dog Tanner typically awakens me early eager to go outside, and also looking forward to breakfast. Often he is so anxious to get my attention that he repatedly nudges me, practically climbing into my bed to make sure that he has my attention. Admittedly, sometimes his persistence is necessary because of my drowsiness. However, what Tanner does not realize is that at times his attemps to get me out of bed, actually hinder ny ability to respond to him. As this almost 80 pound canine invades my space trying to get me to hurry and meet his need, I have trouble getting myself up.

The principle that interference may impede progress can be seen in nature. A farmer must wait with patience for his crops to grow. After he has done his part, planting and irrigating appropriately, the agricultural expert must then trust and allow God to bring about the produce.

God gives promises and we need to patiently expect their fulfillment.

Hebrews 10:35-37 (King James Version)

35Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward.
36For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
37For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.

Bible Gateway a Bible study website has a topical index.Here's a link to the section on the subject of patience.


Nancy said…
Mary Beth, this is good. Have you noticed that God always requiers a condition or something we must do before His promise
Anonymous said…
That was a right now word and an eye opener for me! My impatience can actually get in the way of God moving and responding to me as He desires. I need to get out of the way and rest in Him, knowing that He is faithful and trustworthy - KK.
CharlieB said…
Great insight - but maybe the dog just has to pee? I have not learned patience, but I have earned some, but I also recognize that waiting alone will not make things happen. Love ya'gal, keep it up...

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