Christians and Creation

 I am a member of a group of volunteers from my church who will be teaching children about France.

As I was considering, what to present to the children, I did a Google search about evangelism in France. I found an interesting article about a French scientist named Andre Eggers who is a Christian and gives speeches on Creationism to help introduce people to God and help them to believe the Bible is true. Perhaps when my friend and I do our presentation, we could talk about inventions made by French people and lead into a discussion of the Greatest Inventor (Creator) and talk about how the French need more books about creationism translated into French (SO many believe in evolution) and how the Church there needs to have courage and not compromise. (We of course will need to present this on a child's level)

This prompted me to realize how vital it is that Christians stand firm for truth. It is wonderful to have the confidence and assurance that science is not incompatible with the Bible.

Below is a link to an informative resource. Institute for Creation Research

The Upper Room online Christian Bookstore has a number of publications on the topic of creation. Click the link to check out the list of relevant books.


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