
Have you ever wanted to spare someone you love from pain and suffering? I had that experience yesterday.
Tanner, my loveable Labrador, has an ear infection. The veterinarian prescribed treatment and performed a procedure that Tanner definitely did not like. My typically amiable and happy dog protested miserably as the staff at the animal hospital wrestled him to cleanse his ear and insert the medicine. They had taken Tanner to an adjacent room to administer the antibiotic. While we were separated, I could hear the struggle behind the closed door. My heart ached as I heard Tanner whimper and even yelp, resisting the efforts of the caregivers. I was sad to hear his distress as he was hurting. I wished I could rescue him from the agony and make him understand that this was for his good and that he will feel better.
As I reflect on my emotions about Tanner’s difficult unpleasant experience, I am reminded of a sweet lovely encounter between my brother and his daughter. When my niece was a little girl, she fell off of her bicycle and broke her arm. The fractures were serious and she needed surgery. My brother hated to see his darling daughter in pain. One day during my niece’s hospital stay, my brother said to her: “I wish it was Daddy’s arm that was broken. Don’t you wish it was Daddy’s arm?” A loving father would prefer to bear the agony, rather than see his precious child suffer.
Our Heavenly Father is full of mercy and compassion. (James 5:11) The scriptures frequently tell of God’s compassion including the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ interactions with those He came to save. (Matthew 9:13, Matthew 14:14)
God is kind and caring. When we have difficulty, we can approach the throne of our gracious Savior to find help in our time of need. (Hebrews 4:14-16) We have a Savior who took our suffering for us. Christ died for us. He bore our penalty so we may live. (1Peter 3:18, 2Corinthians 5:21)


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