Necessity of Nearness

I am grateful to have Tanner (my service dog) in my life. Tanner is a wonderful companion. He assists me with daily tasks such as retrieving dropped items, opening and closing doors, turning on lights, and getting the telephone in an emergency. Several months ago, I sustained fractures in an accident in my wheelchair. Tanner sensed my distress from my injuries and wanting to help, brought the phone to me without me even giving that command. He is a very sensitive and highly intelligent dog. Tanner does his job with enthusiasm. It pleases me when he dutifully performs tasks to help me. What delights my heart even more is his happiness to be with me.

I take my handsome black Labrador to the groomer regularly. The process to have a bath, nails clipped and ears cleaned takes about an hour. When I return to pick him up, he greets me with enthusiasm and exuberance. The hearty tail wagging and lavish licking puppy kisses could give the impression that we had been separated for a long time. It’s also heartwarming that in our daily life together, he is typically close to me. For example, he at times sits in front of me and rests his head on my feet. It’s very sweet.

Yesterday while enjoying one of those precious moments with my canine companion, I thought of the Biblical account of when Jesus visited the home of Martha and Mary.
Luke tells us that “…Mary, … was seated at the Lord's feet, listening to His word. But Martha was distracted with all her preparations.”
Apparently, Martha’s perspective on hospitality was to labor and frantically try and present tidy accommodations and an elegant meal. She complained that her sister was not helping her. Mary just wanted to be with their beloved Friend and enjoy His presence. The Lord responded: "Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:38-42)

Most of us have busy lives. Our to do lists can be quite long. Our schedules can be crammed full with appointments and important meetings. We have many things we feel we must do. Jesus’ priorities are interesting - "only one thing is necessary”. Jesus honors those who value spending time with Him.

It’s nice when Tanner performs his duties, but my heart is thrilled when he is happy to be with me. God is pleased when we serve Him. He is especially passionate about intimacy with us.


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