God has extravagant love for all people including those with disabilities.

 Urgent need to Win people with disabilities to Jesus

I saw the trailer to a movie entitled Forgive Us Our Trespasses. It depicts the moving story of a boy with limb differences who was running for his life because the Nazis were hunting down and killing people with disabilities. 


I was reminded of the horrible reality that throughout history people with disabilities have been devalued and mistreated. 

Since I have had the privilege of living in the United States of America 🇺🇸 i have enjoyed freedom and rights that promote inclusion in community and education and employment. This must not be taken for granted. We may think that atrocities such as the slaughter of multitudes of innocent people merely because they are different or limited could never happen here in the land of the free and the home of the brave.   We need to be alert and shaken from a sense of complacency. Now in our nation it is legal and acceptable to terminate the lives of pre born babies. and in some cases infants are allowed to die after they are born. There are instances when there is no intervention and children, especially those with disabilities are left alone to die.

Seeing the trailer to the film Forgive Us Our Trespasses, reminded me of these awful facts. In addition,this rekindled in me a sense of urgency to stand for the dignity of all people My heart is stirred with a longing to be involved in meeting the practical and spiritual needs of those affected by disability. Indeed people who have disabilities and those who care for us are an underserved mission field throughout the world. 

Some may wonder why it matters that we care and include people with disabilities in society and in matters of faith.  God loves everyone and Jesus specifically instructed that He wants people who have disabilities in His Kingdom. In Luke 14 followers of the master are told to find disabled individuals-and compel them to come to a banquet he prepared so that his house would be full. 

I hope you enjoy this video of the creativity of artists who worked on a mural depicting Luke 14 and the value of those who were included in the feast.


Joni and Friends is an organization estabilizar to equip christ honoring churches to evangelize and disciple those impacted by disability. If you need support or assistance in reaching out with the good news of the gospel and how to serve in practical ways contact :  https://www.joniandfriends.org/?mwm_id=563903312772&gclid=CjwKCAiA6seQBhAfEiwAvPqu1ybHuC-rfsGRGZ9kSXKsu6k80mApjgaiXHO1i6FWNA6xah9hhASKqxoCQ_MQAvD_BwE


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