Victor Not Victim

"Cancer is a gift."
These astonishing words were uttered by my dear friend Joni Eareckson Tada. One would think that such a brutal disease should be considered a murderer.

Not Joni. She is a woman filled with genuine and joyful faith as she tenaciously clings to the truth that “All things work together for good.”

Joni’s cancer journey was riddled with difficulty. Quadriplegia weakens her physical capacity. This complicated her ability to cope with the toxic nature of the chemotherapy necessary to save her life. Her strength of character however enabled her to endure the suffering which she has dubbed “splashes of hell”. Joni was victorious over the impetuous vicious blows to her body and soul. Her paralysis was a trickster as she mightily conquered the evil assault with weapons of hope and integrity.

An honorable response to adversity is admirable. I respect Joni deeply. I know she would be quick to clarify that she makes no claim to overcoming by a self-sufficient effort.  Instead she, as we all must, has trusted in the abounding grace of God. Often this grace was demonstrated through the kindness of friends and the devotion of her husband.


 As Joni battled cancer, she experienced a greater depth of love – and that indeed is a gift.


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