Have Yourself A Blessed Little Christmas

Many of the songs popular at this time of year are cheery. They might have a catchy tune that stays lilting in our memories. We may find ourselves happily humming or singing old favorites like Jingle Bells or Winter Wonderland even though they do little to convey the true meaning of the season. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas is one such song. It's lovely melody and sentimental lyrics have been etched in my memory for many years.

Recently after my household Christmas decorating had been completed, I was feeling festive and that classic song came to mind. As I sang it (Don't worry only my cat and dog were subjected to my less than talented voice), I realized that it did not really honor the birth of our Savior in a manner in which He deserves. I attempted to substitute words and phrases maintaining the poetic pattern but I am not a skilled song wrter so I was dissatisfied with my efforts but hoped God could smile at my feeble attempts.

Then yesterday I learned that the song Have.Yourself A  Merry Little Christmas has actually already been redone by its creator to convey a message that brings glory to God. A friend sent an mail to me which included a link to watch an episode of Joni Eareckson Tada's TV program during which she interviews Hugh Martin the writer of Have Yourself A  Merry Little Christmas. This soft-spoken gentleman, now in his 90s, shares the story of his life. He describes how after years of struggle, he finally comes to have genuine faith in Jesus as his personal Savior. Mr Martin then recounts how he and a colleague modified his original work.. The song title became Have Yourself A  Blessed Little Christmas. The new version retains the lovely melody but is upgraded with lyrics that honor Christ. (I've posted the new lyrics below for you to conside. I also included the link so that you may view the video of Joni's conversation with song writer Hugh Martin. Please watch until the end so you can enjoy Joni singing the True Christmas version as Hugh.Martin plays the piano.)

(Hugh Martin / Ralph Blane)

Christmas Future is far away
Christmas Past is past
Christmas Present is here today
Bringing joy that will last

Have yourself a blessed little Christmas
Christ the King is born
Let your voices ring upon this happy morn

Have yourself a blessed little Christmas
Serenade the Earth
Tell the world we celebrate the Savior's birth
Let us all proclaim the joyous tidings
Voices raised on high
Send this carol soaring up into the sky,
This very merry blessed Christmas lullaby.

Let us gather to sing to Him
And to bring to Him our praise
Son of God and a Friend of all
To the end of all our days

Sings hosannas, hymns, and hallelujahs
As to Him we bow
Make the music mighty as the heav’ns allow
And have yourself a blessed little Christmas now.

Here's the ling to the TV episode featuring Joni and songwriter Hugh Martin. (Remember watch it all the way through.)

Transformed lives that result in transformed actions is really what Christmas is all about isn't it? Just as the creator of that song altered its content, our Creator redeems us and makes us new in order that we can be a blessing and give him glory.

And oh yes, "Have Yourself A  Blessed Little Christmas"!


Pat said…
Liked the video of Joni and the story Hugh Martin shared. Sweet.

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