Names - What are You Called? What is Your Calling?

I was thinking about the significance of names recently as I was playing with my dog Tanner. He is a Labrador Retriever – And he certainly lives up to that title. Tanner will happily retrieve a Frisbee, ball or almost any object as many times as I am able to throw it. As I fondly watched my good natured canine companion fetch again and again faithfully placing it in my lap so I could throw it one more time, I thought how appropriate that he was of a breed with the term “retriever” assigned to it – Being a “Retriever” is part of the purpose for which Tanner was created.

 Names are significant. Expectant parents often prayerfully and carefully consider what name to bestow on their precious little one who they will welcome into the world. Names indicate our heritage. Historically, a name given to offspring held profound meaning. A name was often given to reflect an individual’s character, or to proclaim an expectation about a person’s purpose or destiny.

The Bible has quite a bit to say about names. Large segments of the scriptures are dedicated to genealogies – long lists of names of  individuals whom God chose to mention. One of Adam’s first assignments was to name the woman given to him as a wife, and also to name each of the animals created.

As important as names are, one thing I find very encouraging is that our names can be changed. If we have a reputation that is less than stellar or respectable, God can give us a new identity. He can change our name and make things new. Abram became Abraham, the father of the faithful. Jacob the deceiver became Israel a noble patriarch. Simon became Peter. He was transformed from a fearful fisherman, to a bold Apostle.

One example of how God gives His own a new name and new life is proclaimed by the prophet Isaiah(Chapter 62 verses 2-5)

And you will be called by a new name
Which the mouth of the LORD will designate.
3 You will also be a crown of beauty in the hand of the LORD,
And a royal [a]diadem in the hand of your God.
4 It will no longer be said to you, “[b]Forsaken,”
Nor to your land will it any longer be said, “[c]Desolate”;
But you will be called, “[d]My delight is in her,”
And your land, “[e]Married”;
For the LORD delights in you,
And to Him your land will be married.
5 For as a young man marries a virgin,
So your sons will marry you;
And as the [f]bridegroom rejoices over the bride,
So your God will rejoice over you.

We may label ourselves as wounded, outcast, lonely or afraid, but we can take heart that God can change us. We can have a new identity. By God’s grace we can be confident, joyful and triumphant – A friend of God. Here is a link to the song
I will Change Your Name

Just as my loving Labrador Retriever happily lives up to his name and fulfills his purpose, those of us who belong to Jesus can have hope that we too can find our true identity.


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