What is Joy?

Some things are difficult to define and challenging to explain. Joy is like that for me. I believe it is vital and indeed a precious gift. but how do you describe it? I am raising the question here because I am facing that daunting task. I have taken on the assignment of presenting a session to children at my church on the topic of joy.
I am considering as an outline:

• What is joy?

• Who can have it?

• How do you get it?

• Why is it important?

Following is an attempt to briefly expound on the key points:
• What is joy?
As I mentioned, it is not easy to describe joy. In fact even a great apostle who authored much of the New Testament stated that joy was beyond his capacity to express.

1 Peter 1:8 (New American Standard Bible)
8and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory,

We can be assured that joy is not dependent on circumstances. It is a gift that endures regardless of our situation. We can hold on to it even in the midst of difficulty.

John 16:22 (New American Standard Bible)
22"Therefore you too have grief now; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you.

• How do you get it?
I have searched the scriptures and have found verses that indicate many sources of joy including:
God’s plan of salvation (Psalm 51:12 )
God’s power (Romans 15:13
God’s protection (Psalm 63:7 )
God’s promises (Psalm 119:111, Jeremiah 15:16)
God’s presence (Psalm 16:11)
God’s provision - answered prayer (John 16:24)
Another way to think about having joy in our lives is proper priorities as represented by this acronym:

• Who can have it?
Genuine joy it seems is available to true followers of Jesus.
Acts 13:52 (New American Standard Bible)
52And the disciples were continually (filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.

• Why is it important?
There are many reasons that it is valuable to have joy in our hearts. It is far more than a nice fuzzy feeling. It can sustain us and help us to represent our Savior. It can give us needed vitality to serve and walk by faith.
Nehemiah 8:10 (New American Standard Bible)
 “…the joy of the LORD is your strength."

I cannot be so presumptuous as to claim to fully proclaim the concept of joy. I'm asking God to clarify key concepts and give to me ideas as to how to present it.

I would welcome input. Please feel free to share with me your thoughts about joy. What fills your heart with joy?

Here is a link to a song about the Joy of the Lord.


Riverboat said…
I can say that when I know that I am making a true decision to obey God in something, I get a knowing that I have joy.
I know this is coming a tad too late. Ha ha ha!! However, I think you did a swell job tackling and using scriptures to answer your questions. A lot of things bring me joy, but I know I get joy unspeakable when I am immersed in His presence!! I pray you continue to find His Joy in your life!! Thanks a lot for sharing!

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