Unfailing Love


Psalm 33:4-5

New International Version (NIV)
4 For the word of the Lord is right and true;
he is faithful in all he does.
5 The Lord loves righteousness and justice;
the earth is full of his unfailing love.
This verse is the entry on my Hope calendar for today. My attention was drawn to,the line  "the earth is full of his unfailing love"  and I was a bit challenged by this proclamation. It is truth and was written by the psalmist with absolute confidence. However, it occurred to me that sadly it seems it is easier to seethat the world is full of difficulty and heartache. I was struck anew by the importance of believing that this earth is full of God's unfailing love. Divine love. Love that is constant. Love that is inexhaustible. Love that is trustworthy. Love thatdoes not fail.

Humans are not invincible. We fail. Mere mortals are not infallible. We make errors -lots of them. Entire industries have developed because of the reality that it is common for people to make mistakes. There is an eraser on the end of almost every pencil. Someone invented white out. And I am very glad that my computer has a delete key as well as that undo feature.

Our deepest failings though, require more than a quick fix. We need mercy. We need to be redeemed.

We see many horrible circumstances in this world - Not because God is weak and uncaring, but rather because human beings have been given a free will and often make wrong choices. Acts of evil challenge faith but do not negate God's righteousness and justice or his boundless love.

We may fail miserably but God's love is unfailing, I want my eyes and my heart to be open to see that indeed the earth is full of His unfailing love. I can start by recalling with gratefulness how He has never given up or abandoned me.

Here is a link to a music video about God's unfailing love:


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