Pay Attention

Proverbs 7:24 (New American Standard Bible)

24Now therefore, my sons, listen to me,
And pay attention to the words of my mouth.

Paying attention and listening carefully is important. If we are distracted and let our minds wander in conversation, things can get confusing and complicated. Recently I experienced firsthand how essential it is catch even the smallest details when someone is speaking.

I was talking on the telephone to a friend sharing with her my ideas about creating books for children. She was being supportive and had some input to offer. At one point she suggested highlighting key words by making them bold to “stand out”. In this age of computers and word processing programs, this is a simple strategy which I had already applied to my writing. The only problem is what I heard my friend say was “make them FOLD to stand out” I pictured a quite elaborate and complex system of words popping off the page. I thought it sounded rather interesting and likely fun for young listeners to the stories. However, I quickly began to feel inadequate and a bit distressed because I had no idea how to design a book with words that fold. I told my friend that I did not know how to make that happen. Perhaps I could ask someone who has more talent than I have to help. My friend must have been bewildered wondering why it required “talent” to use the keystrokes control B or to click the B on the toolbar, but she kindly and patiently stated again that she simply thought it would help kids to grasp the concept if the words were emphasized. I’m not exactly sure how we finally realized that we were not “on the same page” in our communication, but I was both amused and relieved when I at last understood what my friend had actually said. The fact that I had misheard one little letter, and never paused for clarification caused me to scurry down a path in my mind which wasted time and emotional energy.

In his book Life Together Dietrich Bonhoeffer discusses Christian fellowship. One of the sections in this work dealing with meaningful relationships is entitled the “Ministry of Listening.” Bonhoeffer reminds the reader that “…often a person can be helped merely by having someone who will listen to him seriously…” He continues by saying that “…the ministry of listening has been committed to (Christians) by Him who is Himself the great listener… We should listen with the ears of God that we may speak the Word of God.”

A prerequisite to effectively listening and appropriately responding to others is learning to truly listen and hear God. Another quote from Bonhoeffer’s book states in part: “…Just as love to God begins with listening to His Word, love for the brethren starts by learning to listen to them…”

At church recently a member of the pastoral staff instructed us on the vital truth that we must carefully listen to God. We must allow Him to speak clearly without filtering what He says through our own appraisals or opinions. God wants to give specific instruction. There is guidance for those who carefully heed God’s Word.

We are a blessing to others when we pay attention to them. God promises a blessing for us when we pay attention to Him.


Anonymous said…
Hey MB,
I am reading the new biography about Bonhoeffer (also titled thus). I love it so far - it is several hundred pages. I would highly recommend it.
Learning to listen,
Mrs. I
MaryBeth said…
Thanks for the comment Rhonda. I have heard the new biography on Bonhoeffer is a good one.

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