God Reigns

Sometimes even when things look rather bleak and dreary, they can change and become brighter at just the right time.

If you read my post from late yesterday, you will know that I as well as many others, were praying for good weather today for the sake of the outdoor wedding ceremony of a dear young couple from my church.  This morning it was raining heavily with periodic rumbles of thunder.  It sure did seem that  an alternate arrangements was going to be necessary. However, God had another plan. Perhaps He wanted to awe us with His lovingkindness and His power.Maybe the God of the universe wanted to remind us that He is indeed in control of all things.

As I was praying this morning earnestly asking God to disperse the clouds and send away all the rain, I thought of the incident when Jesus was in the boat with His disciples and a fierce storm rolled in creating a dangerous situation. In the midst of His panicked followers, Jesus calmed the waves and stilled the wind. Those who observed this were amazed that even the sea and wind obey Him. With this in mind, I had faith to ask God to send away the rain for the sake of the bride and groom. Many others also wanted the couple to be blessed and for God to receive the glory.

After only a brief delay, the ceremony began under a dry sky. Then as the couple stood gazing lovingly at one another in a beautiful setting, the sun started to shine. It was a splendid ceremony. The scenery was exquisite, the music was lovely and the food was delicious.The words of wisdom and instruction given to the couple were very inspiring. I trust this wonderful day launches the new couple into a life that continues to be filled with blessings.

I was encouraged to be reminded that God cares about the details of our lives. It was great to see in a very tangible way, answer to prayer. The message delivered by the pastoral staff was also refreshing to hear. Though the words were meant for the bride and groom, they were good for my soul too. As our pastor described how the circumstances were arranged by God to unite this man and woman, I took note of the truth expressed that God knows the deep longings of our hearts. 

I enjoyed the wedding and appreciate the inspiration I received. God does reign. He answers prayer. God has divine authority over nature. He can overrule inclement weather. I am also grateful that He has a good purpose for our lives. Those who lean in and listen will be able to find that grand plan.

A beautiful song was sung at the wedding entitled When God Made You. Here is a link to listen to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIdnp0z0OCA


Great job MB! I loved the former, and loved that you had the continuation to show how much God is in control of everything and that He answers prayers. He received glory today in this situation!!
MaryBeth said…
Thanks Hannah. I was in awe how God displayed His care and that He is indeed in control. I wanted to share the encouragement.
Nancy said…
What A Faithful God Have We! Faithful In Every WaY!
MaryBeth said…
Thanks for reading and commenting and being a friend.
So true that we have a Faithful God... Faithful In Every WaY! We both love that beautiful song. Here is a link so you (and hopefully others too) can listen to it:
(You may need to copy URL and paste it into address bar)

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