Look for Mercies

I have been absent from my blog a while - broken computer and sickness, including a brief hospital stay. And regrettably I must confess, a lack of diligence.

It might be overwhelming in one post to try and catch up on all the quotes from my Hope calendar I've missed, so for today I will share what would have been the next one after my last post as well as the entry for today's date. In future posts, I will likely add extra quotes from previous dates so we won't miss out on any encouragement and wisdom.

Be on the lookout for mercies. The more we look for them, the more of them we will see. Blessings brighten when we count them.

God's care for us is more watchful and more tender than the care of any human father could possibly be.
- Hannah Whitall Smith

I love the idea of looking for mercies and we will find them. The Lord's mercies are, after all, "new every morning, and His compassion never fails" (Lamentations 3:21-22)

I'd be thrilled to hear of the mercies God is revealing in your life. Please share by leaving comments.


Anonymous said…
Mercy is felt today in the wonderful sunny warm (65 in February) weather I'm experiencing this afternoon. I'm enjoying it in the backyard with my little children.
MaryBeth said…
Thanks Rhonda. I was enjoying the wintery day here as Tanner was romping in the .

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