God wants us to come

 Come to God

What does it mean to come

It’s an amazing thought that the god of the universe invites us, in fact urges us to come to him. It’s a matter of loving care and concern to want someone to draw close. Perhaps it’s a meager example but I often use the command come wIth my sweet dog Winnie. Honestly, it deletes my heart which he quickly responds approaching with a happy wagging tail. On the other hand when she chooses not to comply with my request I am disappointed and frustrated not only that she just didn’t know babe but that she seems not to choose to be with me. So it’s amazing that God would want us to choose to turn and make a move toward him.

I am reminded of the story that is often referred to as the parable of the prodigal son. When the younger son came to his senses and wanted to return, the father had been watching for him and even while he was a long way off the father ran and embraced him and lovingly welcomed his son back and celebrated. Luke 15:11-32. 

 It reminds me that God responds to just our inclination of heart toward him.  James 4:8

When we considered the privilege of coming to God there are several questions that we may ponder   

Who can come

The short answer to the question of who has the opportunity to approach God is everyone. All Who humbly and sincerely desire a relationship with the Lord may come.

Isaiah 55:1–13

When may we come to God?

There is not a specific time of day when it is appropriate to approach our Lord. We can and should come to him at all times whether it’s morning noon or night. Psalm 55:17

There is not a condition or circumstance that would prevent us from coming if we sincerely want the Lord. We can be afraid we can be poor, we can have hunger or thirst but we may still come.

Matthew 11:28

How can we come to God?

We must come to God through Jesus. John 6:37, John 6:44 John 14:6 We are told that God gives grace to the humble so we must come to him and humility. Another vital ways in which to come to God is by faith.  Hebrews 11:6

Well it is true that humility is required of us, it is also true that we are allowed to draw near to God with confidence.

Hebrews 10:19-23 Hebrews 4:14-16, 

Why is it Imperative that we respond to the call to come?

First of all, Salvation is granted to those Who reach out to him. Another important reason for coming to God is that our needs Will be met Hebrews 4:14-16and It is worthwhile acknowledging that another valid reason for coming to God isfor the sake of others. I Timothy 2:1-4   In Esther chapter 5 we find the account of Queen Esther approaching the throne of the king in order to bring deliverance and rescuing to her people.

Here is a link to find verses about coming to God


Worship song “Lord I need you “.



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