
Showing posts from January, 2019

Irresistible invitation book published!

For people with disabilities and their loved ones: I’m delighted to inform you  of a  new resource  that might be of interest:  Irresistible Invitation: A Bible Study about God’s Extravagant Love for People with Disabilities Irresistible Invitation: A Bible Study about God’s Extrav a gant Love for People with Disabilities This  is a useful  guide  for communicating God’s extravagant love for everyone   - -  including those of us with disabilities  and our loved ones .  As a person born with Cerebral Palsy, I have written and taught with this guide to  advance ministry to those affected by disability.  This book : *  E xamine s  faith journey challenges  for  those  impacted  by disability *  M otivate s  us to extend irresistible invitations  to meet Jesus *  I nspire s  individuals and churches to engage in disability ministry *  Iden...