Good News
It is really a wonderful thing to receive good news. I have been dealing with some medical issues. For quite some time I have had several bothersome kidney stones, and was told I may need surgery to remove them. In addition, something on my pancreas was noted on an earlier CT scan that was a cause for concern. Many dear friends and loved ones have been praying for me. I went to the doctor yesterday and received an amazingly good report. According to the recent CT scan the stones in my left kidney seem to have decreased and those in the right are the same - not any more or larger in size- which is good. And whatever was on my pancreas was not seen on this most recent scan!!!!!!!!!!!!! They will follow-up in several months but at this point no surgery is needed. I am grateful for all those who prayed for me and so thankful that God answered all of those prayers! I also heard a great story that was aired on the Today Show about a little boy and his family who experienced a genuin...