
Dismantling Strongholds

“for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬ With my current awareness of core beliefs that are causing difficulties in experiencing genuine joy and stability in my relationship with Jesus, my inclination is to want to think if I try hard enough and put forth sufficient effort I can fight my way free from what whatever negative beliefs have held me captive.  I realized that it’s not enough to identify specific beliefs but I must examine them to determine if they are true and valid. And they must be replaced with what is unequivocally true. The word of God is a firm foundation upon which we stand.   How firm a foundation You S

Jesus is My Friend

Last night, I heard a message about Abraham who was considered to be the friend of God. I found myself thinking what an awesome title to have “friend of God “. I began to do all kinds of intellectual gymnastics to think about what qualities are characteristics I could muster up to acquire such a moniker. I wanted to earn the privilege of being God‘s friend. I heard about how Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. Oops fall short on that one. So often I don’t believe, but rather, I doubt. How could it be possible to have enough faith or pure enough faith to make me righteous? Then I heard about Abrahams complete obedience. Such an obedience that he had a willingness to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac just because God said to do so. Oops again I fall short I couldn’t even imagine myself, even believing that God would ask such a thing of me and then having the degree of surrender that I could actually do it? Nope I guess I can’t qualify as a friend of God. This m

Opportunity to Give, My Opportunity for Joy

it’s often far too easy for me to presume that my difficulties with mobility limit me in opportunities to help or do good to others. Today I had another realization that I just need to be creative and utilize technology resources and yes, the help of other humans to carry out a mission to be a blessing. I have a friend who is experiencing a serious medical condition that is hindering her ability to manage her household and carry out family responsibilities. When I focus on the things I’m not able to do or tasks. I can’t perform, it’s somewhat disheartening because I can’t be as helpful as I wish I could be. Many friends are caring for kids, doing laundry, housekeeping and a myriad of other daily activities to lighten the load. It dawned on me today that I could shop for her family in the same way I do my own shopping - online ordering and delivery. So I contacted her husband. Got the list, ordered the items and in a short period of time I was on my way with my very kind and helpful t

He Will Not Abandon Me

A core fear resurfaced recently   What’s at the core is the hard stuff where the seeds that reproduce exist   I’ve been painfully reminded of what is deeply at my core. I fear that nobody REALLY wants me. I will be abandoned and alone I suppose that there  could be a myriad of reasons why such a painful philosophy is rooted in my heart.   Why I feel this way is a question that could be examined. However, it seems a more important question is whether that belief that’s a deeply rooted in me is true. Until I dig deep and honestly address the interior central beliefs I will continue to be weak and wobbly, subject to emotional instability dictated by the whims of a cruel enemy to my soul. I may also be vulnerable to having my sense of  well-being subject to the changing circumstances of life.  I need to embark on a quest for truth to uproot lies and establish my identity on a foundation that is firm and unshakable I find comfort in the reality that regardless of my feelings being “prone to

Wonderful Banner

  He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love. Song of Solomon 2:4 It’s flag day here in the United States. This commemoration made me realize that a flag is a symbol of a nation. It can remind us of patriotism it can remind us why we have allegiance to that particular government or country. The flag of the United States has 13 red and white stripes, reminding us of the 13 founding colonies That were formed for liberty and freedom. The red and white makes me think of the purity of their purpose and the sacrifice that was paid to make it so and then there are 50 stars in a blue background representing the 50 distinct states in our union. I am grateful for our nation and all the God provides for us here. As I reflected upon this, I thought of an even more important banner, the banner of the Lord’s love I am grateful to be protected and be devoted to such a wonderful banner.

Inspirations from Special Days Series

 I ‘ve been a little behind on posting on my blog. I like to share the thoughts that come to my mind in case they could be an encouragement for someone else. Recently we have had some holidays that could have some significance and bring to mind thoughts about our relationship with God.  On June 14 it was flag day. When I saw neighbors demonstrating patriotism by displaying the American flag on their property, it caused me to think of the significance and symbolism that a national flag can represent. When we display the flag or carry it or even simply view it, it calls to mind patriotism and allegiance to the country it represents.  It came to mind that there is a verse in the Bible that proclaims His banner over me is love. That made me think how wonderful it is to have devotion for a good God who flies the Banner of love for me!  “He has brought me to his banquet hall, And his banner over me is love.” ‭‭Song of Solomon‬ ‭2‬:‭4‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

Jesus is the word

  Jesus: the Word   I am currently working on a series of posts contemplating who is Jesus and what does that mean for our identity. This post will focus on one title of Jesus - the Word.  This will not be a theological treatise on what does it mean that he use the word or how can Jesus be considered the word and the Bible also the word of God. I am not qualified to address those issues. Instead, I will share personal reflections on what that attribute of Jesus means to me.  The ability to communicate is essential. I think it is significant that Jesus has the title word of God because he represented the father and he has much to express to us. What follows is simply my thoughts on the important concepts that Jesus as the word reveals. Jesus came to be with us In sending Jesus God the Father expressed that He is not aloof or distant. He sent the word to be with us to communicate who he is and how he cares for us. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the